Tuesday 19 May 2009

Holly and Ciorstan dress it up in China

Ciorstan and Holly, presently on their teaching placement to Nanshun in China, thought they would get fully immersed in to the local culture over the weekend and this was the result.

Holly writes:
No, oddly enough It was just a normal saturday! but theres lots of shops which will do photoshoots of you traditional chinese costume for very little - I think 20 photos in an album plus the hair and costume and everything was about 20pounds. I would reccomend anyone to do it - They do mens army robes with the swords and everything.
Even without the dressing up its a fascinating day to just to see old traditional costume and to understand what the poor chinese women had to go through every day in ancient times just to get dressed. I had 4 blocks of wood on my head and about half a box of christmas tree decorations to create that hair! Weirdly enough, it was the less elaborate of my three hairstyles!
Keep in Touch,

Wow...what an amazing experience!

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