Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Beccky updates on fundraising for St Stephens orphanage

Becky continues her efforts to raise funds for St. Stephens orphanage in Nakuru in Kenya. Becky and Ben Lock are former volunteers who went away with Changing Worlds last year. Becky writes via Facebook:
Hi David,
hope you are well.
Things are going well with fundrasing now.
Myself, Ben Lock and a few friends and family completed the London-Brighton cycle on sunday, it was good but very tough.
Once i have collected my sponsorship from that as well as another event at church i should have around £1000 which is my target to have by july when i go back to kenya for 4 weeks.
I also know that some of the others have had/ have coming up fundraising events for the orphanage and Zoe's Nakuru workers feeding programme.
The only concern that many of us still have with the orphanage is the issue of running it. We dont want to put a few more thousand into the building if there are going to be no children living there but we definitely dont want to waste the money already gone into it.
It is difficult to communicate with Karanja about this because he is so busy do you know any more about this issue?
In addition to this i am in the process of setting up a link between my mums school in worthing and Kiamaina. I did 2 assemblies there yesterday and hopefully the children are going to write letters and raise a bit of money.
We wish Becky continued good luck with her fundraising. If you feel you would like to mkae a donation, however small, it would be appreciated. Let me know via e-mail to:

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Read our Newsletter for April 2010

Our latest updates in our April 2010 newsletter.

Features include issues of fundraising, updates on our placements in Brazil and China and an interesting video of one of volunteers playing the part of a pop star whilst in Kenya.



Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Jack in China provides a useful video link about Nanshan

Changing Worlds has been sending volunteers to Shandong province in North East China for the last four years. Our volunteers mainly teach english language to primary school children. In return volunteers are taught Mandarin Chinese through the teachers.

Jack, the Changing Worlds representative, has sent us a video link about Nashan.

Most of volunteers either teach in the city called Yantai (city number 26 in the old communist speak!) or in the neighbouring (up and coming) town of Nashan.

Jack writes:
Dear David,

Now we have uploaded the following video clip of Nanshan online for volunteers to watch for free. I hope you could remember from your previous visit to Nanshan.


Enjoying watching this video from Yantai.



Friday, 7 May 2010

Zoe is jumping from a plane for Kenyan kids!

Zoe Kelland is fund raising for the children at Nakuru Workers. Zoe worked as a volunteer for six months at the school and identified a very important issue.

Zoe writes via Facebook:
In May or June I will be skydiving from a plane somewhere above Nottingham and hoping to dear God that I don't just plummet into a tree.
I am doing this for the school in Kenya that I spent 6 months teaching at last year. 70 children at the school only eat one meal a day and I don't think this is fair.

ALL money raised from my skydive will pay for free lunches for these children.
  • 25p pays for one child's lunch.
  • £15 will feed a child for a term.
  • £45 will feed a child for a YEAR.
The kids are the friendliest, loveliest, most hard working people you could ever meet, and they deserve better than one meal per day. The kids who don't eat enough cannot concentrate at school and achieve so much less than they could if fed properly.
Please help them have a fair chance at doing well in school and achieving a better future for themselves.
If you could donate anything you can I, and the children in Kenya, would appreciate that so much. Just the amount we'd spend on a night out makes so much difference. To donate go to http://www.justgiving.com/Zoe-Kelland

Thank you so much :) Zoe xxx

I hope you feel you can make a donation towards Zoe's fundraising efforts. A donation, however small, will be well received.

Zoe is aiming to get UK£1 000 for the children at the school through her sky diving.

Changing Worlds has played our small part by donating UK£45 to the cause - I hope you can too!

I will keep you updated with Zoe's fundraising efforts.