Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Nick returns from Kenya and says thanks
I never actually saw it and only just found it when i was searching for your email address. But ye sure anything i say in emails you can use for your blog or anyother things as i really want to help karanja get more volontears as i know he really enjoys having us out there. Now im finally at home it has finally sunk in that i have left and may not see some of the friends or kids that i met again although i do plan to return next year.
It really was the best six months of my life and i have no regrets about any of it. You meet some amazing friends, the kids provide you with such entertainment and karanja and his extended family really are some of the nicest people i have ever met. I think it is fair to say that i got to know karanja, mary and john better then many of the other volontears and i can say that putting the kids aside they are the people i miss the most. The numerous nights out i had beating karanja and john at pool really were some of most fun and relaxing ways to spend the evenings and i can never remember a bad night with them. They are all now good friends and i really cant wait to see them again.
As for the placements, although i have to be honest at times they can make you sad or challenge you, especially when a child tells you about a problem or something similar, they really are all amazing. Naka primary and pistis academy the two places i worked at have provided me with some of the best moments of my life and saving goodbye to them was one of the worst. The kids are all so nice and in a selfish way when you do something nice to does make you feel very happy inside to see their happiness. The other people that made my time such an amazing expierence were my host family. Nancy and her children were alll so welcoming and i find i have made really good friends there (especially with Eustace, the son, and Nywera, the daughter). They all went out of the way to make us feel welcome and happy and i know its often said but very quickly it felt like another home. I really felt very lucky to expeirence an african family and i will definetely keep in touch with them as they are an amazing family.
Finally i just want to thank you. Without the support and planning of all of the staff in the Uk none of this could have been possible. Maybe my view is slightly biast because of karanja but i can honestly say i dont think there would be a better gap year company then changing worlds. I am trully thankfull for all you guys did making this possible and there is anything i can do in the future(talks or whatever) please let me know as i would be more than happy to help. Please also pass on my thanks to Shirley and everyone else involved.
Thanks again Nick
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Download our New brochure
If you are considering taking a gap year or career break then download this for free by clicking the button below. Alternatively go to our homepage and complete an enquiry form to request a printed copy.
If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing
Friday, 10 July 2009
Mandy and Ian Whitehead send their thanks
'Thank you very much for making Jessica's gap year so successful. Your name is just right. You got the balance between 'giving young people both roots and wings'just right.
We always felt you cared for her yet wanted her to step outside the world hse had known previously.
You also struck a balance between the needs of the young person and the needs of those they were helping. There was also a balance between having fun, learning and working.
Jess learned Spanish and about working with children and adults yet enjoyed a good social life both with the locals and other volunteers.
Thanks again for sending back our daughter with all the good characteristics she had before yet added to.
Mandy and Ian'
Thanks too to Jess for being such a wonderful volunteer for us in Honduras.
I have, of course, passed the thanks on to Kenny Mackay (the Changing Worlds representative) and his family in San Pedro Sula.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Selvyn at Premavasam, an orphanage in India, signs in
Lots of love and greetings from Prema Vasam!
I have been thinking to E-mail you for a long time, somehow could not make it. I am so happy to inform you that our first child Indra has got her fourth semester university results, we are very proud of her, she has scored 80% marks. This is the final year, she need to concentrate more on her studies. Of course in the evenings she helps the poor children from our village. During the summer holidays she has updated our website a big thanks go to her .
During this month some of our children Vijay, Rajalakshmi, Jancy and Vidhya have celebrated their birthdays, as usual a new dress has been given as a birthday gift and the birthday cake too.
Pavithra and Angel
In this month two special children Pavithra who is lying and Angel who is sitting next to her have joined our Prema Vasam family. Though our house is full with children, we could not say "no" to them.
During this week end we took some of our children to Besant nagar beach for an outing. Our children could not spend more time due to the unexpected showers of rain. Outings and picnics give so much joy and happiness to our children.
The construction work is going on very well. The final stage is going on, by this month we want to shift our boys to our own building as you are aware more than a year they have been living in the rented house with much struggle due to the congested place.
The whole world is affected due the recession, we are also affected financially so badly. Hence we need your wishes and prayers in order to cope up with the financial crisis.
I am sure you would agree with me that these children are looked after by the providence of God and with the support of kind hearted people like you.
With much love,
If you feel you would like to help - provide financial assitance or your time as a volunteer then do let me know.